Rifle - Pistol
The Ike's Shooting Sports - Kokomo, Indiana
Rifle - Pistol Range
The Rifle/Pistol range and the Archery range are exclusively for Izaak Walton League members and their signed in guests.
Guest Policy
- There is a $10.00 guest fee.
- An active member may bring the same guest as many times as they like during the year.
- Each guest must be signed in on the Guest Sign In sheet located in the Office vestibule
- There is a guest fee deposit box located on the east wall of the Office vestibule by the guest sign in sheet.
Range Hours of Operation
- Sunday: 8am – Sunset
- Monday: 8am – 5:30pm
- Tuesday: 8am – Sunset
- Wednesday: 8am – Sunset
- Thursday: 8am – Sunset
- Friday: 8am – Sunset
- Saturday: 8am – Sunset
Silhouette Targets For Sale
The silhouette targets with stand that are to be used on the Rifle/Pistol range are available for purchase at the clubhouse during the hours that Sporting Clays is running. The initial silhouette with stand purchased is $25.00. After that one is shot up an additional silhouette only can be purchased for $10.00.
Please become familiar with the Range Rules before visiting any of the Ike’s ranges.
HCIWLA Rifle and Pistol Range Rules
1. Adhere to the 3 basic rules of safety: Keep gun pointed in a safe direction at all times, keep finger off the trigger until ready to shoot, and keep gun unloaded until ready to use.
2. Everyone, including guests who are not shooting, must have eye and ear protection in place while at the range area and the range is active.
3. The red lights affixed to posts at the firing line mean “cease fire”, and the range is ”cold” when they are ON. When the red lights are OFF, it means the range is “hot” or active, as in commence fire when ready. Before activating the lights, make sure shooters are informed of impending cease fire. Upon activation, shooters unload firearms, bench them, and insert an open chamber indicator flag in the firearm chamber. Once this process is complete, only then may shooters go downrange to affix or remove targets or address a situation downrange of the firing line. BEFORE turning the lights OFF and making the range “hot”, assure that everyone is behind firing line and eye and ear protection is in place.
4. Use only approved targets. Targets must be placed within boundaries of target frames. All must be placed such that bullets fired will impact the berm behind the target backboards. Do not place targets over or on support posts. Clear targets from range when finished. Approved targets: paper, balloons affixed to backboard and clays in a frame or on the ground, never actively thrown. Not approved targets: bottles, jugs filled or empty, vegetables or fruit, cartridge cases empty or loaded, explosive targets (e.g. Tannerite), animals, and any target that will potentially ricochet bullets in an unsafe manner (e.g. rocks, concrete, flat stationary metal).
5. All shooting at firing line requires that the gun’s muzzle be no more than 1 foot behind the firing line, and muzzle cannot swing more than 45 degrees side-to-side from a line perpendicular to the target downrange, while assuring that all rounds fired will impact the berm behind the target board at which the shooter is firing.
6. Chronograph use: these must be placed a MINIMUM of 10 FEET downrange of the firing line, and set so that all bullets fired through them safely impact the range berm.
7. Use only one shooting table at a time and no more than 3 targets on any board.
8. Ammunition or practices that are NOT allowed: no rapid fire (we define shots less than 2 seconds apart as rapid fire), no fully automatic firearms use, no 50 BMG ammo, no tracer rounds, no magazine dumps or bump firing allowed. No shotguns at the 10 yard line!
9. No use of alcohol or drugs that affect judgment or coordination immediately prior to or while at the range.
10. Members are responsible for their actions and those of their guests at all times while on the range. Please report range violations to the onsite Property Manager, any manager of one of the Shooting Sports or any member of the Board of Directors. Disciplinary action for violations follows a 3-step process: 1st offense results in documented written warning, 2nd offense results in 2 month gate card suspension, 3rd offense results in loss of membership. Shooters notified as being in violation may attend the next Board meeting to petition for reinstatement of privileges as per membership agreement form.
Events in March 2025
SunSunday | MonMonday | TueTuesday | WedWednesday | ThuThursday | FriFriday | SatSaturday |
February 23, 2025
February 24, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - 5:30pm 8am - 5:30pm Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's |
February 25, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - Sunset 8am - Sunset Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
February 26, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - Sunset 8am - Sunset Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
February 27, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - Sunset 8am - Sunset Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
February 28, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - Sunset 8am - Sunset Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
March 1, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - Sunset 8am - Sunset Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
March 2, 2025(2 events) Rifle-Pistol: 4pm - Sunset 4pm - Sunset Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 Rifle-Pistol: National Rifle League NRL22 Shoot: 8am - 4pm 8am - 4pm Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
March 3, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - 5:30pm 8am - 5:30pm Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
March 4, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - Sunset 8am - Sunset Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
March 5, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - Sunset 8am - Sunset Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
March 6, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - Sunset 8am - Sunset Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
March 7, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - Sunset 8am - Sunset Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
March 8, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - Sunset 8am - Sunset Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
March 9, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - Sunset 8am - Sunset Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
March 10, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - 5:30pm 8am - 5:30pm Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
March 11, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - Sunset 8am - Sunset Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
March 12, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - Sunset 8am - Sunset Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
March 13, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - Sunset 8am - Sunset Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
March 14, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - Sunset 8am - Sunset Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
March 15, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - Sunset 8am - Sunset Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
March 16, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - Sunset 8am - Sunset Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
March 17, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - 5:30pm 8am - 5:30pm Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
March 18, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - Sunset 8am - Sunset Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
March 19, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - Sunset 8am - Sunset Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
March 20, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - Sunset 8am - Sunset Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
March 21, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - Sunset 8am - Sunset Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
March 22, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - Sunset 8am - Sunset Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
March 23, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - Sunset 8am - Sunset Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
March 24, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - 5:30pm 8am - 5:30pm Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
March 25, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - Sunset 8am - Sunset Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
March 26, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - Sunset 8am - Sunset Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
March 27, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - Sunset 8am - Sunset Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
March 28, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - Sunset 8am - Sunset Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
March 29, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - Sunset 8am - Sunset Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
March 30, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - Sunset 8am - Sunset Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
March 31, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - 5:30pm 8am - 5:30pm Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
April 1, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - 5:30pm 8am - 5:30pm Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
April 2, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - Sunset 8am - Sunset Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
April 3, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - 5:30pm 8am - 5:30pm Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
April 4, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - Sunset 8am - Sunset Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |
April 5, 2025(1 event) Rifle-Pistol: 8am - Sunset 8am - Sunset Howard County Issac Walton League - The Ike's 2629 S 200 E Kokomo, Indiana 46902 United States 765-416-3027 |